Went for my month 2 vist and i am worn out, felt like a human pin cushion! bloods after bloods after bloods, i didnt think i had that much in me lol, at least thats the worst one out of the way. On the positive side my weight seemed to have gone up a bit and my breathing was better which was a shock, 93 compaired to 86 at the start ;-) maybe its because of the breathing exercises ive been doing, TALKING lol. The staff there are great and very friendly, oh and a bit mad lol.
Goto thank my buddy for taking me and sitting there all day ;-) Well Polly did make him Danny and myself a great curry for tea last night, with starters too, she worked very hard to make the curry from scratch, she's a star!
8/8/2011 07:57:57 am

Well that's done and dusted now Chris:) Good news about your weight and breathing, excellent. Oh love a good curry, Polly is certainly a star, a shining one at that:) Linda xxx

10/6/2012 11:32:49 pm

It is easy to see that you are impassioned about your writing. I wish I had got your ability to write. I look forward to more updates and will be returning.

12/8/2012 08:36:05 pm

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19/9/2012 09:53:04 pm

Bloggers like you are very few on World Wide Web and I am happy to found you. It’s like finding a pearl in the sea, tough but fruitful. Best wishes and regards.

1/5/2013 06:16:04 pm

Ihre Website viele nützliche Informationen für mich, zu diesem Thema, so nützlich, weil meine Arbeit ist verantwortlich für ein Schulprojekt. Wir danken Ihnen, relevante Informationen zu veröffentlichen, ist nun einfacher geworden, dieses Projekt zu vollenden.mty

18/6/2013 12:35:16 pm

together another great result. The jumping didn't go as well as I had hoped, and jumped 88 meters and placed 42nd. My jump put me 2:06 behind the leader meaning I had to ski a fast race to get back into points. I started off the race with a fast pace, and planned to put the hurt on. mty


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Fighting My Losing Battle with MND.