Ive been thinking a lot about this ever since a read Pollyanna's thoughts on it. I feel the incurable optimism thing is great, Patrick is an amazing man, when you look at all he has done and still doing is fantastic and now there is Alistair who to be honest i dont know much about. Patrick has come up with some great inventions and ways around things, i wish i could be as optimistic as him, he has gave good and rather blunt opinion's on things ive posted in the past which looking back was spot on. 
I did not know anything about MND before i got diagnosed and once told i found out thats what Steven Hawking had, for years i knew of him but not what was wrong, maybe its my ignorance or that nothing really stands out raising awareness. 
Shortly after i came across Sarah's Story, if you havnt seen the advert you should take a look, its hard hitting and scared the life out of me when first diagnosed, but it sticks, it sticks in my mind how ruthless this disease is! 
This is my opinion and please dont be offended.

When i see Sarah i think MND straight away, devastation.
When i see Patrick i think a fantastic man, inventor, painter and writer with MND.
When i see Alistair i think musician with MND, who i know little about.

Obviously there will have been many more campaigns that i am not aware of and probably need to look up more about aswel as Alistair.
I always thought the adverts you see appealing for donations and raising awareness tug on your heart strings, show you how bad things are, i am fully aware the MNDA have very little funding and averts, posters, etc cost, big time but maybe going in the hard hitting direction would be better, show the devastation, heartache, nitty gritty. Maybe this doesnt work! maybe it does.

How about an evolution style, showing someone in full heath deteriorate over year 1, then 2, then 3 then 4, then 5. To be honest i am not really in a position to come up with the ideas and im glad, it must be difficult.  Its great all the work thats done by all involved and i wish them all the best in raising awareness and i hope ive not offended anyone, after all this is just my thoughts written in my blog.
8/8/2011 08:06:09 am

I've never seen any adverts for MND here in Australia:( Like you, I was aware of this disease but I certainly had no idea of the full extent of what happens. Since reading Janet's blog and now yours it has certainly helped to enlighten me. I believe the more you can get the message "out there" the more donations and help may come of it. Unfortunately, research costs big bucks and I'm sure the Government fund very little:( Thanks for another great post Chris. Linda xx

8/8/2011 06:28:56 pm

Hi Chris ! When I started my blog I decided to try and keep it light and fun-I wanted to try and draw people in and get them involved and interested in what I was doing-I have seen Sara`s video and it`s very powerful and upsetting-I just sat and cried-I think if things are too upsetting a lot of people block them out and don`t want to know-life at times is hard for everyone-this is just my opinion-I added links on to the blog so all the information is on hand if people wanted to know more -I must admit as time has progressed I wish I could write it as it is but respect my brothers privacy-thats why blogs like yours are so important-a research project costs what 150 thousand ? I`m with you on this now Chris-I think they should televise Sara`s story or something similar. take care lol x

9/8/2011 03:40:41 am

you might have already read my views on this http://steveevans35.blogspot.com/2011/02/awareness.html
these campaigns have done nothing to raise awareness. My guess is that 99.99 percent of people who have seen these campaigns either have MND or know someone with it already

10/7/2012 11:48:24 pm

THX for info


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Fighting My Losing Battle with MND.