You can tell i have too much to say at times lol. 

Came across a blog through PLM by a guy called Steve Evans, i read through right from the start and thought it was a great blog, it really made me think! so jealous he got to meet Jenson Button! Anyway its well worth reading so why not have a look, just goto my links page, there are a few there if you havnt noticed already. 
7/8/2011 06:03:01 am

Will pop over later today. Oh dear I had to google who Jenson Button was:(

janet parry
7/8/2011 08:13:29 am

oh Linda what are you like ?
I have already popped across and left a message Chris -another great blog x

7/8/2011 09:25:54 pm

he he Janet, crikey Formula One races are on so late "downunder" whoops Hubby said except when they are racing here!!! We follow the Australian V8 supercars. Now google that (he he) Sorry Chris I'm not a petrol head (hubby pipped that in). Linda xx


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