Ive hit a bit of a low point, yes i'm feeling a bit sorry for myself. There a quite a few reasons for this that i can think of but at the minute i just cant put it into words. Reading a lot this morning on other blogs ive come across which sort of brings you down to earth, more so with blogs were the PALS are at a more advanced stage. There is a lot of good and inspiring stories to be read but also a lot of truths about the hard times, which make me feel my probs are mediocre! i need to snap out of it, quickly! Hopefully i will come out of it as quick as ive gone in, that seems to be what happens.
30/7/2011 11:47:42 pm

Sorry you are feeling down,but I guess you will get days like that,it's only natural - you will regain your positivity. You have a great family around you for support and we all look forward to reading your posts and seeing what you are up to.
Keep smiling, it's still very much Chris 1, MND 0
Take care :-)

janet parry
31/7/2011 01:34:37 am

I agree with Sam , keep smiling and make every day count :)

Peter Schogol
24/8/2011 01:47:28 pm

I don't know your situation -- if you live alone, if you have a partner or someone who you're close to. If I didn't have a mate I'd go crazy. I don't know how people face this alone.

16/7/2012 12:40:51 am

Thank you for info


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Fighting My Losing Battle with MND.